Stephanie's Blog

If I’m going to live for the weekend, I’m going to make them worth working for.

Tag: Road trip

Road Trip to Michigan – Day 2

Yesterday was day two of our road trip to Michigan. Over the last two days we’ve seen every landscape and change in weather imaginable. It was my first time seeing the salt lakes of Utah, mountain ranges of Wyoming, and the green flat pastures of Nebraska. We started the morning in the rain. As we headed up the mountains, the rain became snow flurries. Eventually the sun broke through when we were in the valley, highlighting the snow-capped mountains. It was beautiful. A reminder that we are so fortunate to live in this country.

There’s No Place Like Home

They say “home is where the heart is” but what if you don’t know where that is? Then my friends, you end up searching until you end up in a small little town called Nottawa, in the glove-shaped state of Michigan. At least that’s what happens when you’re my father, Stanley (or Junior as he’s known in those parts). You end up back where your story began.

Will you find the happiness you’ve been so desperately seeking? Will coming “home” help you find your heart? I hope so. As much as I selfishly want my dad to stay, I know this is what he needs.

So here we are – Stanley, my sister Sarah, and me – heading East on 80 in his silver Prius. It’s day one on the road. The sun is trying to break through but the clouds continue to roll through; perfectly matching the melancholy mood. Growing up my family ALWAYS went on road trips. Oftentimes, to visit the very same place we’re headed – the lake house.

It’s the house my dad grew up in. It’s the house my grandfather built. It’s the house we visited as kids during the holidays. At one point, in what seems like a another lifetime, it was the place WE called home.