Puppy Training – Week I

Last Tuesday the bf sprung it on me that he had enrolled our beloved puppy,  Jacob Hurley, in Dog Training.    I was pretty psyched cause as any parent knows, you want your babe to be the smartest and cutest pup at the dog park.  Competition is fierce these days!

We arrive and Jakee is on best behavior … that is until we actually got to the training.  You would think walking in a circle wouldn’t be that difficult right?  Add 20 or so dogs and it’s all downhill.

The instructor explains we’re going to start our first exercise with each person guiding their dog around a circle.  We agree that I am going to take on our first challenge.

Within a few steps of just walking towards the circle Jakee was jumping around … trying to bite his leash … jumping on me … jumping as he’s biting the leash …  we didn’t take but a  few steps before we were told to stop.   The instructor started explaining how to utilize our leashes;  it creates boundaries and if they step outside of those boundaries you give the leash a tug.  The instructor gave us the ok and we’re off.  Sort of.

Again, Jakee’s hopping around so I tug …  and I tug … and I tug again.  FINALLY he stops but not before the instructor notices.  I see him zoning in on us out of the corner of my eye.  I immediately start sweating profusely because 1.  It’s over 100 degrees out and 2.  it’s grade school all over again and I just got caught doing something wrong.

The instructor wants to use US as an example!  Great … He takes the leash to showcase what we do with jumping dogs.  Of course when he takes him,  the little guy is on his best behavior and is an angel.  Jakee’s just sitting there while the entire class is looking on as if he knows he’s being tested.  He instructs me to engage Jake while all eyes are on us but of course he just walks over planting sloppy kisses.  No tugging necessary.  After a minute or so of attempting to coerce my dog into bad behavior he’s handed over.  The second the instructor turns his back he’s jumping on me again!  I didn’t even have time to react before the instructor turns around and says “You were supposed to tug on the leash”.  Ugh.  Epic fail!!!

And we’re off again.  At our next  stop we’re behind this big dude and his huge rottweiler puppy.  He turns and asks me if  I brought “bait”.   Wait, what?  I shook my head no.  He holds out his hand and I automatically extend mine.  I nod and politely say “thanks”.  When I look at my hand I see chopped up hot dog.  Ewwwwww! Gross!! Was NOT expecting that.   The next ten minutes were spent attempting to divert Jake’s attention away from the food.  He was completely distracted so eventually I caved and gave it to him.

When the hour-long class ended I was EXHAUSTED!  I’ve had a week to prepare.  I can be tough … I hope!  Wish me luck!!