What do you like better, Christmas or Wedding season?

by Stephanie Kelly

“Yes, um, the answer would be, um, wedding season?” (Jeremy-Wedding Crashers)

I love weddings!  The energy is contagious,  everyone’s laughing, sharing stories, drinking, and DANCING!  How could you not like weddings?

After years of bar tending my way through college, I have been to more weddings than John Beckwith and Jeremy Grey.  Even though I didn’t intimately know the bride and groom , I couldn’t help but be excited for them.  How many times can you say you witnessed a defining moment in someone’s life?  A moment they will never forget … unless they’ve had one too many.

This past weekend I was honored to be in attendance to Mr. and Mrs. Hermison’s wedding.  Held at the beautiful Vino Con Brio in Lodi, CA, love was definitely in the air.  The romantic in me was loving it!  And the bride, GORGEOUS as ever;  confident that she had made the best decision of her life.

Surprisingly, not once did I hear the all too familiar, “When are you getting married?” that I have become all too accustomed hearing.  I’m 26, been with my BF for a LONGGGGGGGG time, we bought a house together, and recently got the most adorable puppy.  But at the same time, I’m not ready. We’re not ready.

I don’t feel the need to conform to societal pressures.  It is a personal decision.  I choose not to be married.  I have witnessed marriages fall apart; my life has been shattered repeatedly as the result of one.  I couldn’t bear to cause such pain and chaos upon another.  When I am ready, if and when he’s ready, we will.  Until that day comes, you shut your mouth when you’re talking to me.